user:any person who uses a product
end user:the specific audience a UX designer creates something for
- should focus on as UX designer
user experience:how a person, the user, feels about interacting with, or experiencing, a product
user-centered design: puts the user front-and-center
- step in the user-centered design process
- understand
- specify
- design
- evaluate
iteration 迭代:doing something again, by building on previous versions and making tweaks
platform:the medium that user experience your product on
brand identity:the visual appearance and voice of a company
responsive web design
- users behave differently depending on their device
framework: creats the basic structure that focuses and supports the problem you're trying to solve
- user centred design process
- 5 elements of UX design:steps a designer takes to turn an idea into a working product
- ↓ abstract → concrete
- strategy:定义用户的需求&业务目标
- scope:决定 what you building,决定产品中包含的功能和内容
- structure:如何组织设计&用户将如何与之交互
- skeleton:详细说明了设计如何工作,用户不会看到这些内部工作原理
- surface:用户眼中的顶层
- design thinking:a way to create solution that address a real user problem and are functional and affordable
- empathize
- define:描述用户需要解决的问题,让团队专注于一个明确的目标
- ideate:构思解决方案,关注想法数量而不是质量
- prototype
- test
- universal design 通用设计:the process of creating one product for users with the widest range of abilities and in the widest range of situation
- “一刀切方法 one size fits all”,设计师为所有人提出一种解决方案;想要满足所有人需求意味着缺少目标与实际并不可能完全 cover,失焦
- 尽管它有包容性的意图,但它排除了很多人
- inclusive design 包容性设计:making design choices that take into acoount personal identifiers like:
- ability、race、economic status、language、age、gender
- “solve for one, extend to many”,任何人都不应该被排除在使用我们开发的产品之外,因为我们在建造时没有考虑到他们的需求
- there is no such thing as normal,我们不应该为一般人/目标受众进行设计
- accessibility:the design of products。devices,services,or environments for people with disabilities
- 解决一个问题的思想可以扩展到很多问题,只对设计的目的群体有利和现有的用户,许多团体仍然被排除在外
- equity focus design 公平性设计:新的行业目标 designing for groups that have been historically underrepresented or ignored when building products 为历史上被低估或忽视的群体设计
- 平等与公平的区别
- equality 平等:providing the same amount of opportunity and support
- equity 公平:providing different levels of opportunity and support for each person in order to achieve fair outcomes
- 首先确定想要构建的产品,然后想想过去没有使用这种产品的群体,最后在构建设计的同时保持你认为代表性不足的群体放在前面和中间
- 注重公平的设计不能解决所有问题,关键是这些都是代表性不足问题的不同方法 为了设计更公平的未来
MBU:next billion users,下一个初入互联网的十亿新用户
- big issue challenge:
- cost
- connectivity
- digital literacy
- literacy in general
assistive technology(AT)辅助技术