1. VR Basics

1.1 - VR Project Setup

2.Open and explore the starter scene

3.Add a room and background

4.Test with the Device Simulator

5.Test in VR through Unity

6.Build and run on your device

Extension Activities

1.2 - VR Locomotion

2.Add snap turning functionality

3.Create a Teleportation Area on a rug

4.Create Teleportation Anchors on mats

5.Customize the Reticles for teleportation

课后题 - 自旋转指示做法

1.3 - Grabbable Objects

1.Choose hand models

2. Add a grabbable object

3.Hide hands and disable anchor control

4.Fine-tune the throwing experience

1.4 - Sockets

1.Add grabbable hats to the scene

2.Turn the hook into a simple socket

3.Duplicate the sockets and attach hats by default

4.Make your head a socket for hats

5.Prevent other objects from acting like hats

Challenge 1 - Architecture Review

Bonus task hints:

6. Look in the XR Ray Interactor component to edit the line’s shape and the XR Interactor Line Visual component to edit its colors. 更改指示射线形状

7. Make sure your audio source is set to the 3D “Spatial Blend,” then, if you want, use the OnTimedInterval and PlaySoundsFromList components to randomize the bird sounds. 添加声音的方式

Lab 1 - VR Personal Project Basics

VR Next Steps

2 - VR Events and Interactions

2.1 - Audio and Haptics

1.Add haptic feedback on hover and select enter

2.Add audio feedback on either hover or select enter

3.Add 3D audio from the fireplace

4.Add a Reverb Zone

Experiment with spatializer plugins [optional]


2.2 - Activation Events

1.Add a grabbable remote control object

2.Play a sound when you activate the remote

3.Change the remote’s indicator light color when activated


4.Make the TV play video

5.Control the TV with the remote


2.3 - Direct and Ray Interactors

1.Add a Direct Interactor to the right controller

2.Add haptic and audio feedback to your Direct Interactor

3.Prevent ray from picking up objects

4.Create a Direct and Ray Interactor for each hand

5.Toggle ray with button press

6.Add additional binding and repeat for other hand


2.4 - User Interface